1..When you click on create a new project on my projects page. You can also click on clone an existing project.You will arrive at this page. Fill project name and tick the checkboxes you want to be cloned.
2.Click on Clone Project. You will get this message.
3.Clone project is created.
Invite Others
1..You have 3 options –to open the project, invite others and hide the project. Once you invite others to the project. This page will open.
Click on the invite now. Click on close.
3.Once u are on my projects page. You will see some sample projects and your project. The page will look like this.
4.Go to the project u want to open and click on open project. You will reach this page.The system by default will create certain default requirement types and roles and attributes. You can always add / remove / edit them based on your needs.